Why you should be interested in cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies seem to always be in the headlines. And rightly so.

Crypto is here to stay

Cryptocurrency and NFTs are influencing the economy, politics, and society. They're creating new value exchanges and purchase options

Sign up for our course, and you'll learn about the current and future impact of cryptocurrencies—and how to take advantage of that.

Why you should embrace the volatility

Today, the global financial system is exploring strategies for adapting to the revolution cryptocurrencies and NFTs may create.

Cryptocurrencies are unlikely to replace physical currency—at least not anytime soon. So we’ll all have to learn how to navigate two systems.

Learn to trade

At Eduplora, we want to help you understand cryptocurrencies. Join our course today to embark on a new economic journey.

All that glitters is gold

Ponzi scheme!
Land mine!

You've probably heard these words mentioned in the same breath as “cryptocurrency.”

Every time the market crashes, analysts and gurus gloat: “We warned you…”

The (digital) money is real

They ignore the fact that many (so many!) people have generated significant incomes trading cryptocurrency. It can be a highly profitable venture. But it’s also not without risk.

Our course explains how to avoid the risks and secure the profits.

Gold in the 1900s; cryptocurrency in the 2020s

What's the safest investment you can make today?

Since the gold rushes of the 1900s, it's been gold. Cryptocurrencies are shaping up to be the gold of our future.

But, just like the miners of old, you need to get in early. And do it right.

Knowledge is power

Investing haphazardly is never smart. You’re setting yourself up for failure.

Learn the risks and assess the opportunities. Then, you can make decisions that lead to success.

Let Eduplora guide you

Our Eduplora course is a guide. It teaches you how to invest in cryptocurrencies and NFTs and the pitfalls to avoid.

We part the trees, so to speak. Take our course, and you'll know what to expect in the world of crypto.

You don't want to be the one who misses out on the next bull run.

Dispel your doubts

Do you have any of these concerns about cryptocurrency?

Market volatility

Transaction security

Lack of knowledge of its uses or applications

Lack of institutional backing

You're not alone. So do lots of other first-time crypto investors.

Ease your fears by taking our course

You'll learn:

The methodology behind cryptocurrencies

Their real value

To reframe their so-called disadvantages

Why learn about cryptocurrencies with Eduplora?

At Eduplora, there's no hidden agenda—unlike many cryptocurrency exchange sites, which share market information with a heavy bias.

THEY focus on profitability.

THEY overlook the threats and background of the investment.

WE explain the ins and outs of the business to help you make wise decisions.

Respect the data

Sign up for our course in cryptocurrencies and NFTs. You'll learn all the tools you need to conduct technical and macroeconomic investment analyses.

This includes:

Read indicators

Interpret news

Find the gaps in the market

Learn from experts and your peers

Take the advice of the investment professionals who design and teach our courses at Eduplora. They'll help you identify your ideal crypto (and NFT) investment options.

You'll also get access to:

Live sessions with instructors and class members

Group chats with other students

A community with the same goals as you

So, what are you waiting for? Educate yourself in crypto and start earning on Eduplora —an educational institute that thrives on collaboration.

our modules


Move forward with confidence

We get it. Technicalities can be scary. Crypto investing seems daunting.

What if we told you it involves nothing more than well-applied common sense?

simple pricing for all courses

Single-Course Plan


Do you need specific training? Stay focused with our targeted single-course subscription option. Choose one of our five core Programs or any of our Additional courses created by passionate experts.

Subscribe for guaranteed access to:

  • Subject-related resources
  • Expert-created content
  • Subject specialists
  • Participant interaction

Become an expert in an area, subject, or specialty of your choice for an affordable $29/month.

All-Course Plan


Are you seeking a more comprehensive view of today’s new businesses? You’ll need diverse subject knowledge.

Our All-Course plan grants you access to all Eduplora Programs.

Dig into everything you need to know abou:

  • Real estate investments
  • Crypto/NFT
  • Online Bussiness
  • And so much more!

Becoming an Eduplora expert is just a $49/month investment away.

Annual Plan


Are you looking to save on start-up costs? Get a substantial discount with our Annual Plan.

All-Program Annual Plan
12 months access @ $499
SAVE $89

Get all the benefits of our All-Course plan for less. Now that's what we call business-savvy!

Calibrate your crypto “GPS system”

Consider the Eduplora course your roadmap. We'll guide you through the highways, byways, and country roads of :

Making money with cryptocurrencies

Formulating an investment strategy

Avoiding crashes

Enter the market with confidence. Exit when you want.

Putting it into practice

There's a canyon between theory and practice.

Eduplora instructors understand how to apply the conceptual fundamentals practically. They look closely at the experience of others to learn what they've done right and how they’ve failed.

We share real stories in our courses—stories that include the highs and the lows.

What you'll learn

It's important to begin any course with realistic expectations.


Crypto: A primer

First, this Eduplora course explains what cryptocurrencies are. Topics covered include:

Types of cryptocurrency

How to use them

Types of investments

How to make money from this


Investor styles

Next, we ask you to define what type of investor you are. You'll find the answers to these questions:

What level of risk should you assume?

What factors are involved in this decision?

How could these affect you?

How can you take advantage of market fluctuations?


Tools and strategies

We share valuable cryptocurrency investment tools, explaining—in simple terms—what these tools are and how to interpret the data they provide. We help you define your investment strategy and teach you how to manage threats.

Does this sound helpful? Enroll in our course to get crypto-savvy now.

Crypto course outline

What Are Cryptocurrencies? Uses, Types, and More

How You Make Money With Cryptocurrencies

What Kind of Investor Are You?

Technical Analysis

Macro Analysis

Investment Strategies

Risk Management

NFT course outline

What Are NFTs?

How You Can Make Money With NFTs

Tools of the Trade

A BONUS—just for you

This Eduplora cryptocurrency course also comes with a mini-course dedicated to NFTs.

Although the fundamentals of NFTs are similar to cryptocurrencies, you must understand their differences. That's why we created a separate (but related) NFT course!

You'll get all the tools you need to capitalize on this exciting trend.

Eduplora is the ally you're looking
for to take steps in a new direction.